Subject: Re: NetBSD 3.1 on a Powerbook 180
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/26/2007 23:27:29 wrote:

> Thanks for your quick reply.  I went to the Installer utility again and
> used the Mini Shell to see if there was an /libexec/ld.elf_so file in the
> system.  There was, but just as with the /sbin/init file, the date was
> wildly off: October 29, 1940 to be exact.  Is that possibly a factor?
> I also downloaded and reinstalled the base.tgz file.  I saw it copy the
> /sbin/init file into the system. When I tried to boot into the system
> again, however, I got the same errors leading to: panic: no init.  Any
> ideas?

Hmm, I'll try 3.1 mac68kcd.iso and see how MacOS installer
goes on my LC630.

I'm a novice of MacOS and last time I tried to install
I extracted files to a SCSI disk on my macppc..
Izumi Tsutsui