Subject: Re: Re: Nubus video cards
To: Robert Swindells <>
From: Michael R. Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/13/2006 07:25:14
>From: Robert Swindells <>
>Date: 2006/12/12 Tue AM 10:18:24 CST
>Subject: Re: Nubus video cards
>Kazuyuki Inanaga wrote:
>>On 2006/12/12, at 22:37, Michael R. Zucca wrote:
>>> On Dec 12, 2006, at 1:21 AM, Kazuyuki Inanaga wrote:
>>>> I found 2 of 10/100 Mb NuBus NIC, "Farallon Fast EtherTX" (Maybe,
>>>> I can't see Products Number on it.) and "AsanteFast".
>>>> AsanteFast works with GENERIC kernel, but it's transfer speed is
>>>> same as Quadra. I have no info about 100 Mb driver for NetBSD.
>>>> This Farallon NIC has no driver FD, it doesn't work even on MacOS.
>>>> Unfortunately, Farallon's website has closed already. p
>>> Look at the ethernet chip. It may be a standard chip that already =20
>>> has a driver. If you look at the existing driver there might be an =20
>>> interesting value you can look for in the card's address space. =20
>>> Once you know the base address in the card's address space it may =20
>>> not be too hard to port the driver.
>>Thanks for your advice!
>>>Look at the ethernet chip. It may be a standard chip that already =20
>>>has a driver.
>>Main chip is "smsc FEAST(TM) FD LAN91C100FDQFP B9904-B467AIC =20
>Ok, this is supported by the sm(4) driver. The NuBus attachment stub
>for it is in sys/arch/mac68k/nubus/if_sm_nubus.c.
That's handy :) I would have thought it was a newer chip that we didn't hav=
e a port for yet. Having code already in there makes life much easier.
>>How can I look at the driver? With "MacsBug" like Video ?
>>"Delving for Video Interrupt Information"
>You only need to follow the "Identifying your card" section on that page.
>The difference between the two cards already supported by the NuBus sm(4)
>driver is the offset of the EEPROM containing the Ethernet MAC address.
>You could have a look for it using MacsBug.
It's been a while, but each of the NuBus slots, I think uses a particular a=
ddress range. Like the first slot is everything in 0xC0000000-0xCFFFFFFF th=
e second slot is 0xD, etc. I'm rusty, so you'll have to forgive me if I hav=
e the values wrong. This should help you look for the information. I believ=
e the way they did the NuBus ROMs on macs was that the ROM information live=
d at the high end of the card's address space and worked its way back to th=
e low address space. The device could live anywhere else. There's a program=
called "Slots" around somewhere that will give you some nice information a=
bout the card and there may be a hint in some of that information about whe=
re the ethernet chip lives in the card's address space. However, look at th=
e driver. There may be some nice some easy to find value like the MAC addre=
ss for your card (or at least the vendor part of the MAC address encoded in=
hex (try both big and little endian) or some other easily identifyable inf=
o. Then use MacsBug to search the card's address space. If you get a match,=
use the driver's offsets and look at the values around the matched address=
to see if it matches the way the chip should look. If so, you should be ab=
le to determine the chip's base address.
Good luck!