Subject: Re: Kernel panic at reboot on 030s
To: None <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/17/2006 12:30:13
Hi All,
So, can I say "Our all '030s get panic at reboot in NetBSD-3.1,
How about IIci ?
Does anyone know "my '030 can reboot without panic" ?
and, it's only in '030s, all '040 works fine at reboot." ?
I dislike to see that panicked (MMU fault) screen. It makes me
panic, too.
On 2006/11/16, at 1:59, Bjarne B=C3=A4ckstr=C3=B6m wrote:
> On Sun, 08 Jan 2006 I wrote:
> [...]
> "reboot" makes the computer crash and break into the debugger
> with an "MMU fault" message. "shutdown" works okay, though.
> [...]
On 2006/11/16, at 3:34, Hauke Fath wrote:
>> 2) All my 030s get panic at reboot, includeing SE/30, and also
>> SE/40 (SE/30 + 040 accelerator / GENERIC).
>> ...'panic at reboot' appeared sometimes in 1.6z(?) on 030s,
> Not really. I've got a Mac IIsi here that neither panicked with NetBSD
> 2.1_STABLE, nor with a 4.99.3 kernel.
> It's interesting, though, that when you bring down the machine with
> 'shutdown -h now', the panic occurs after you hit the "any" key to =20
> reboot.
Yes, thanks to Bjarne and Hauke.
To avoid that, I do 'shutdown -h now' then push Reset or Power-off,
but ... it's not 'graceful'. ;)
On 2006/11/16, at 1:59, Bjarne B=C3=A4ckstr=C3=B6m wrote:
> I had to boot with extensions off, though.
> --=20
Yes, that's a good idea, too.
NetBSD reads PRAM. When PRAM has correct setting, we don't need
INIT nor CDEV in MacOS, right?
How about 32-bit dirty machines ? IIx, IIcx or SE/30 for example,
we need MODE32 and Memory Control Panel in MacOS.
IIsi is 32-bit clean, a beautifu and interesting machine, I like =20
IIsi, too.
On 2006/11/16, at 3:34, Hauke Fath wrote:
> I've got a Mac IIsi here that neither panicked with NetBSD
> 2.1_STABLE, nor with a 4.99.3 kernel.
Very interesting. I'm expecting the next of NetBSD/mac68k.
Kazu Inanaga=