Subject: sysinst fixed in NetBSD 3.1, and other news...
To: None <>
From: Hauke Fath <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/23/2006 01:08:02
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I am happy to provide two news items:
(1) A few days ago, I finally found time and energy enough to dive into the
sysinst sources, and actually came back with a fix for the problems sysinst
had since NetBSD 2 (port-mac/29049). Quite different from my expectations,
it turned out to be a one-liner... The code that sets up a BSD disklabel
from the Macintosh partition table 'forgot' to sign up the UFS partitions
for later newfs'ing and mounting.
Thanks to many helping hands, the change has been pulled up to the
netbsd-3{,-1} branches, and will be part of NetBSD 3.1. I have upgraded my
X server Quadra 700 to a netbsd-3 snapshot and so far have seen no problems.
Note, though, that the mac68k sysinst partition management differs quite a
bit from the other ports. You can not currently exclude any UFS partitions
from being formatted on a disk that you install to, unless you change the
partition type beforehand. Keep that in mind when you use sysinst on an
existing installation.
(2) A few days before I managed to fix the mac68k sysinst, I received an
invitation to become a NetBSD developer - quite a surprise for me at the
time. Apparently, I had submitted enough PRs, and the guys decided to have
me fix things myself. ;)
Just today I got my account on, commit bits and all. I shall
work on pkgsrc, and, of course, mac68k. Let's see what comes of it...
"It's never straight up and down" (DEVO)
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