Subject: Re: =?US-ASCII?B?TWF4aW11bSBTQ1NJIGhhcmQgc2l6ZSBkcml2ZSBzaXplIG9uIENsYQ==?=
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/11/2006 00:20:34
> The only possible limitation might come from trying to fsck a
> partition that's ridiculously large if you have very little memory.

Even that isn't a problem if you (a) have not-on-filesystem swap (eg, a
swap partition), (b) make sure swap is set up before you do the fsck.

Oh, and (c) don't mind fsck taking for-bloody-ever. :-)

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