Subject: Re: =?US-ASCII?B?TWF4aW11bSBTQ1NJIGhhcmQgc2l6ZSBkcml2ZSBzaXplIG9uIENsYQ==?=
To: =?US-ASCII?B?IlN1bmd3b24gQ2h1bmci?= <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/10/2006 13:01:25
> <P>I plan to install NetBSD on Classic II. Because the internal SCSI HDD
> is just 40MB,</P> <P>I will buy a large one. From e-bay, I saw an
> apple 50 GB SCSI HDD with 50 pin interface.</P> <P>Although
> the seller are saying that the disk is for OS 7 8 9 X.</P> <P> </P>
> <P>Could I use it with NetBSD on Classic II ?</P>
You can use any size SCSI drive up to 2 terabytes. The only possible
limitation might come from trying to fsck a partition that's ridiculously
large if you have very little memory. But a 50 gig drive will work. I have
a 300 gig drive in my Quadra 605...