Subject: Re: Can you please verify#LPA2kusTZxATt5sDvAv7j5Qd_6NZnoST
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/31/2006 10:32:32
> wrote:
>> The message you sent requires that you verify that you are a real
>> live human being and not a spam source.

>> I understand that it is not convenient but the large amount of spam
>> we receive forced us to use this protection.

Right.  "We're going to ask others to do our spam detection".  Like
most C/R systems.  I already did the confirmation reply, that being the
simplest and easiest way to shut such brokenware up.

/~\ The ASCII				der Mouse
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