Subject: Re: several mac68k/X/pkg problems
To: William Duke <>
From: Magnus Eriksson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/29/2006 19:21:44
On Sun, 28 May 2006, William Duke wrote:

>> but I'd like to use a lighter blue than the one that I get by simply 
>> specifying -fg blue.

> Nevermind; I found the answer.   Seems I can just define the colors in
> my Xdefaults file:
> XTerm*color1:#cecece

   You can do that via the command line too, as a direct substitute for 
color names, with -fg rgb:ce/ce/ce.  'man X', and look for "numerical 
color specification".

   I learned this while experimenting with aterm, by the way.  :-)
