Subject: Re: powerbook duo 250 w/ duodock 57 mb ram 540 mb HD for loan to
To: None <>
From: nick thompson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/28/2006 03:41:51
Hash: SHA1
Hauke Fath wrote:
> At 16:50 Uhr -0500 27.5.2006, nick thompson wrote:
>>I see. So, since it's been ages since I touched a machine without
>>ethernet, could you possibly walk me through the steps including cables,
>>etc? I would really, really appreciate it.
That would be AWESOME especially if you can differentiate between
hardware cable differences if it's say an old notebook with no ethernet
but 9 pin serial, vs an old mac with whatever serial is on it ( i know
nothing about pre g3 macs at all, i have a imac dv running gentoo
gnu/linux but i don't think that will help. so yeah, a howto for
beginners on slip / ppp to connect ethernet-less machines to the net w/
some lookout for differences in cables needed for different hardware,
would be AWESOME, and would deserve to be posted somewhere. i have
hosting space if you need it, though i imagine there is a better place
but I can definitely offer that. I run my own webserver and I have a 5
Mbit connection. Anyway, THANK YOU, and talk to you soon...
also, does anyone know what this machine would be worth on ebay? I am
going to keep it, I am just curious what a powerbook 250 with 540 mb hd
and 57 mb ram w/ duodock, keyboard + mouse, and 17" (I think) nice color
monitor. ??
and one more thing: what is the final word? are these not needed to be
borrowed anymore? I will definitely try to get it going, I just don't
have any idea how to do it yet, as i have no experience w 68k macs nor
linux on them no serial connection to the net except with a modem. :)
> Hm... I set up a slip connection years ago to install NetBSD on an old '486
> notebook, and I still have that around. I even thought about writing a
> how-to at the time, but never got around to doing it... give me a few days,
> ok? Tim Larson was first with his xdm setup...
> hauke
> --
> "It's never straight up and down" (DEVO)
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