Subject: Re: SCSI ethernet solutions for NetBSD
To: Thomas Carlson <>
From: Marc Coevoet <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/04/2006 19:52:28
These guys
are there for you. They have parts nobody can offer ..
We should have them in Belgium too ...
Op 4-feb-06 om 16:49 heeft Thomas Carlson het volgende geschreven:
> I had asked a while back how I could get a Powerbook 180 running
> NetBSD 2.1 connected to my home network. Marc Coevoet replied that
> there are SCSI ethernet solutions that are supported. Apparently, my
> Asante Micro EN/SC isn't one of them. Adapters that were made by
> Sonic, Dayna , and Farallon are. These devices, however, are VERY
> unavailable now.
> What would it take for some smart NetBSD programmer to write a driver
> for the Asante EN/SC devices? Source code from Asante? They are
> under new (or, old) ownership right now.
> I know from reading your daily postings that this is not exactly a hot
> issue in the NetBSD/mac68k world at the moment, but it would be great
> to hear from someone about it.
> Tom