Subject: Re: strange ethernet behavior in CC
To: None <>
From: Thomas Carlson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/25/2006 16:37:29
I also have a Color Classic running NetBSD using the same Apple 
Ethernet PDS card as yours.  The difference is that I have replaced the 
motherboard with one from an LC 550, which would technically make it a 
Color Classic II.  This enables it to have 36 MB of RAM with its 33MHz 
processor, a much more capable machine than the original CC.

1.6 runs fine on it and I am about to try 2.1 as soon as I can figure 
out how to connect my other old machine, a Powerbook 180, to my 
network.  Apparently, there is still no driver for its Asante Mini 
ENSC.  What other options do I have for this 'book?


On Monday, January 23, 2006, at 05:49 PM, <> wrote:

> I have a Color Classic that's running 1.6 now.  It boots and 
> recognizes the Apple Ethernet LC Twisted-Pair Card at nubus0.  
> However, it tries to initialize the device three times, as sn0 (in 
> slot a), sn1 (in slot c), and sn2 (in slot e) all with the same MAC 
> address.  I've enabled dhclient, but can't get obtain an IP, 
> presumably for that reason.  It tries to listen/send on all three at 
> once, and I get messages like "Tx - lost interrupt" and "Tx pack 
> status=0x50".
> Any ideas what is going on, and what I can do about it?
> I know a little about card addresses from playing with my SE/30 - the 
> different addresses let you stack cards with only a single physical 
> slot.  My guess is that Nubus works like that too, but this one card 
> is responding to multiple addresses.  I don't think I have any other 
> LC type ethernet cards, as I recently divested myself of my "junk 
> pile".
> I'm hoping to do the Mystic upgrade someday, at which point I'll 
> likely have a different NIC.  But until then, I'd like to have a 
> workable machine, and without networking it's not very useful.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> -- 
> Tim & Alethea