Subject: Re: Okay, I give up...
To: Hisashi T Fujinaka <>
From: William Duke <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/30/2005 13:08:42
> On Sat, 29 Oct 2005, William Duke wrote:
>> Okay, I give up!!!
>> I've been sitting here for hours trying to configure bootp and dhcp with
>> absolutely no luck whatsoever.   I have read file after file after file and
>> none of the files are consistent.   One file tells you to do one thing and
>> the next file tells you to do something completely different.
>> I give up!
>> How the heck do you setup a boot server in NetBSD?
>> Please don't send me to files like the useless "setting up a diskless...
>> blah, blah, blah" files.   I've been following those files almost verbatim
>> and they just don't work.   Personally, I think it's because the
>> documentation doesn't keep pace with the software.   This is definitely one
>> area where commercial software has open-source software beat: Documentation.
> I had some trouble, but I had the advantage of knowing it would work.
> Basically, you have to follow each step and make sure the tftp server is
> running, etc, before going onto the next step. I had some hideous typos
> on each step that required debugging.

You're right.   The bottom line is that it *will* work.   I just have to be
a little more patient and figure out why it isn't working.   Then I have to
make the corrective actions.

Okay, I'm running DHCP on my router so I'm assuming that I'll have to
disable DHCP service on my router in order to use it on a BSD machine.   You
can't run two different DHCP servers on the same subnet, right?

Now, I've read that the bootp daemon will not run while dhcp is running,
does this mean the dhcp daemon on the server machine?   Or do I have to
completely disable dhcp on the entire network?

I think that I could be having a problem there because I've been using dhcp
to configure the tcp/ip settings for my Mac OS running computers.   I just
never had any reason to manually configure the tcp/ip settings on my mac os
machines before.

All three of my NetBSD running machines now have their network settings
manually configured and working properly.   They all have their hosts files
filled in, etc.

So, would you suggest that I manually configure my Mac OS machines and
disable dhcp on my router?   Also, for my boot server, which do you prefer,
bootp or dhcp?

I have managed to get the tftp server working right.   I mean, I can
manually connect to the server and get and/or put a file without any

I am having one rather persistent problem with the hn: line in my
etc/bootparams file.   It currently reads:


Something like that, I'm going from memory.   What should I put on that
line?   I've read the man file and it says that it is strictly boolean or
something.   Boolean?   Okay, so what kind of operator am I supposed to be
putting there?   Again, I'm going from memory...and I was extremely
frustrated when I read that man file.
