Subject: Re: Okay, I give up...
To: William Duke <>
From: Hisashi T Fujinaka <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/29/2005 20:15:57
On Sat, 29 Oct 2005, William Duke wrote:

> Okay, I give up!!!
> I've been sitting here for hours trying to configure bootp and dhcp with
> absolutely no luck whatsoever.   I have read file after file after file and
> none of the files are consistent.   One file tells you to do one thing and
> the next file tells you to do something completely different.
> I give up!
> How the heck do you setup a boot server in NetBSD?
> Please don't send me to files like the useless "setting up a diskless...
> blah, blah, blah" files.   I've been following those files almost verbatim
> and they just don't work.   Personally, I think it's because the
> documentation doesn't keep pace with the software.   This is definitely one
> area where commercial software has open-source software beat: Documentation.

I had some trouble, but I had the advantage of knowing it would work.
Basically, you have to follow each step and make sure the tftp server is
running, etc, before going onto the next step. I had some hideous typos
on each step that required debugging.

Hisashi T Fujinaka -
BSEE(6/86) + BSChem(3/95) + BAEnglish(8/95) + MSCS(8/03) + $2.50 = latte