Subject: Re: Okay, I give up...
To: port-mac68k <>
From: Chuck Findlay <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/29/2005 22:38:25
woops, sent directly to your address XD
Now im sending to port-mac68k list XD
/slap <me> wrote:

> should have a large .tgz file w/ netbsd/mac68k 
> 1.4.2 w/ dhcp config file. Try downloading that and grab its dhcp config.
> Chuck Findlay
> wrote:
>> Okay, I give up!!!
>> I've been sitting here for hours trying to configure bootp and dhcp with
>> absolutely no luck whatsoever.   I have read file after file after 
>> file and
>> none of the files are consistent.   One file tells you to do one 
>> thing and
>> the next file tells you to do something completely different.
>> I give up!
>> How the heck do you setup a boot server in NetBSD?
>> Please don't send me to files like the useless "setting up a diskless...
>> blah, blah, blah" files.   I've been following those files almost 
>> verbatim
>> and they just don't work.   Personally, I think it's because the
>> documentation doesn't keep pace with the software.   This is 
>> definitely one
>> area where commercial software has open-source software beat: 
>> Documentation.

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