Subject: Okay, I give up...
To: None <>
From: William Duke <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/29/2005 21:10:38
Okay, I give up!!!

I've been sitting here for hours trying to configure bootp and dhcp with
absolutely no luck whatsoever.   I have read file after file after file and
none of the files are consistent.   One file tells you to do one thing and
the next file tells you to do something completely different.

I give up!

How the heck do you setup a boot server in NetBSD?

Please don't send me to files like the useless "setting up a diskless...
blah, blah, blah" files.   I've been following those files almost verbatim
and they just don't work.   Personally, I think it's because the
documentation doesn't keep pace with the software.   This is definitely one
area where commercial software has open-source software beat: Documentation.