Subject: Re: Command peculiarity
To: iMac <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/23/2005 02:51:47
>>>> Exactly how do they not work?
>>> They don't display anything. If I type "users" at the prompt and hit
>>> [Enter], I'm immediately thrust back to the prompt on the next line. There
>>> is no message indicating improper usage, nor is there any message stating
>>> that the command cannot be found.
Is your DNS set up? Or at least do you have your hosts file filled in? In
the past, commands like that (and w, for instance) would hang while trying
to look up reverse DNS. Nowadays, something's changed, because command
will return with a user not in the list immediately rather than waiting
90+ seconds for the DNS lookup to fail.