Subject: TO-DO LIST/possible donations
To: None <undisclosed-recipients>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/01/2005 22:04:07
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Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 01:47:51 -0600
From: Blank Phil <>
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Subject: TO-DO LIST/possible donations
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in the near future, I might want to work on support for mac powerbook duo's, and the "duo
dock" as well as the rasterops "DUOmate8" which is also for duo docs (adds a video card,
adb connector and floppy connector) and any other docks for these that i can get my hands
on (i want to modify a small dock or apple duo dock for battery operation, that is
replacing the power supply with batteries and dc/dc converters, and data collection for
ballistics and other experiments which it has more than enough processing power for). i
can definitely donate a powerbook duo (monochrome 030 based) if someone will actively work
on it and a power supply though i don't have spare working batteries at this point (i'll
be rebuilding some eventually. if someone has some dead batteries from them i could
rebuild that would really, really help). I'm also considering designing an ethernet card
to replace the modem card in duo's or a data acquisition card to replace the modem card.
if someone has some dead batteries from them i could rebuild that would really, really
I can probably also donate an se/30 and some other bits and machines possibly. though i'd
like it them back eventually, i could donate an se/30 outright with the only mod being a
larger external fan for the power supply. i have stacks of 30 pin 4M ram if any other
project needs some of this ram i could definitely donate some of that.
i may have a duo dock available for loan if i can fix it's power supply (likely, though
probably with a redesign as i'm learning how to design switching power supplies, in which
case i'd send my other dock with the original supply after replacing it's caps as they
start the problem).
i personally won't be doing much bsd development work in the short term until i get a
business up and start to make some money or fall on my ass and try for disability again
(and learn c, c++ and bsd which shouldn't take long for me). i'm a major hardware and
software geek though i haven't done any advanced work i have done bit banging and other
things in assembly and know pascal, i'm learning c and C++, fortunately i pick up
programing languages quickly and took a course on 68k assembly a long time ago (and did
very well, i am one of those perverts who likes assembly to some extent other than the
greater time involved in writing any program). the class work i've done has always gone
very well with me completing difficult assignments quickly. i have some hardware design
experience. i'm 42 and a major techno geek all around. I love and easily deal with
complexity, especially if it's documented so i'd love this kind of work.
in any case, i'd be more than happy to loan the above items (or even donate some of them
if people have a reputation for doing the work, though work doesn't have to be immediate
or rapid). i'm in colorado springs colorado, for loans i would need someone to pay for
shipping or make some kind of arguments unless they are near I-25 in which case i could
probably deliver the hardware. i'm flat broke and working hard for minimal funds for my
first commercial project ( a 24V 20A power supply for cnc, something else i want to get
into including eventually writing my own code to drive mills and lathes as well as "screw machines").
many, many thanks to the fine people doing this work and donating or loaning equipment. i
hope i've been somewhat coherent, i do have a migraine which can make things odd, and i am
dysgraphic so you have to deal with the lack of capitalization which for me is much harder
than grammar or good organization. thanks again, i simply love the open source idea, and
like most i hate microsoft and i have mixed feelings about macs and the mac os. thanks again.
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