Subject: Re: netbsd-3 snapshot: big problems
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/17/2005 22:01:43
In article <>,
Riccardo Mottola <> wrote:
I have a centris lying somewhere and I will try it myself...
>since I failed to get a usable box ith the netbsd 2.0.2 release I
>thought that trying the current netbsd-3 snapshot could do no damage.
>But it is really in bad, bad shape.
>My box is a a MacIIci, 72MBytes of ram and a 2Gb disk. I installed
>directly there instead than on my test disk...
>I got the snapshot from netbsd-daily, netbsd-3
>1. the sysint procedure is still broken with regard to newfs and mount
>to /targetroot. I used the usual trick
>2. the kernel seems to have problems, if the sysinst wasn't successful
>or got restarted for some reason, it would kill itself giving usually no
>space left on disk message and a reboot from shell causes a kernel
>panic. Sysinst has to go in one single step, restarting from the
>beginning for any reason will cause deep trouble. I assume kernel
>3. most of the packages didn't even uncompress properly! sometimes pax
>returns a "killed by signal" but most often the console gets swamped
>with tar and checksum errors. this with various of the .tgz (man, etc, X
>packages, comp...). I didn't delete the packages.
>I ignored the errors, had it continue so that it built devices and I
>could reboot, indeed the system reboots! Miracle! But X11 will fail for
>example due to broken library symbols (I guess indeed that the tars
>weren't uncompressed properly)
>I tried to uncompress comp.tgz again now from the running system and it
>appeared again that the tar was invalid, after some uncompressing it
>started to search repeatedly for new headers (typical corrupted tars).
>Now it is a question if the .tgz are corrupted, the tar program itself
>or the kernel...