Subject: Re: PowerBook 540c and NetBSD/mac68k
To: None <>
From: Alan Dipert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/22/2005 00:00:50
I gave the 1.6.2 softfloat install kernel from the FTP site you linked
to a shot, and it worked well until it tried to format the disk. I was
able to configure the network through sysinst as well as partition.
However, when it tried to newfs it gave a "no space available" and
It seems the old System 7 install is nuked; I don't know much about Macs
but it would seem there is no bootable sector on the disk. The computer
shows a floppy disk with a blinking question mark at boot.
What's the best way to revive this system? Is it possible to boot the
machine from floppy, and do a NetBSD FTP install that way? Thanks in
advance for help.
Alan Dipert
Bruce ONeel wrote:
>Alan Dipert <> wrote:
>>Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 00:36:44 -0500
>>From: Alan Dipert <>
>>Subject: PowerBook 540c and NetBSD/mac68k
>>I attempted to install NetBSD 2.0 on a PowerBook 540c that's currently
>>running System 7.1, and ran into some trouble. I tried a "Quick"
>>install with sysinst as outlined in INSTALL.html.
>>Using the netbsd-INSTALLSBC.gz kernel and Booter, the boot gets
>>relatively far but hangs on "root file system type: ffs." The kernel
>>also reports that "PRAM time does not appear to have been read
>>correctly," a message that apparently is the result of a dead PRAM
>>battery. I'm unsure as to how these two messages relate or as to how
>>crucial a new PRAM battery is. While the computer is hanging on the ffs
>>message, the machine accepts keyboard input.
>The PRAM message seems to be "normal". I ignore it.
>You do need to use the softfloat build from
>, the likelyhood of the fpu
>emulator working the the LC040 in your 540 is small.
>Sadly the 2.0 mac68k install is broken. This isn't a pb540 or softfloat
>issue, this is for all mac68k systems. The simpliest might be to
>first install 1.6.2 and then do the 2.0 upgrade. That combo seems
>to work well.
>If you want to do the 2.0 install without installing 1.6.2 first you
>can. My memory is that the disk label is written ok, but the newfs
>doesn't happen. If you want to do this I'll try to run an install on
>another powerbook 540
>this weekend and write down the exact steps.
>1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, and 2.0 all run well on a powerbook 540c. I'm using
>Squeak on X on NetBSD on a 540c to write this message.
>>I took a digital picture of the kernel boot messages, available here:
>>Booter's bootlog is also available here:
>>I'm looking forward to getting NetBSD working on this computer and would
>>appreciate any help. Thanks in advance,
>>Alan Dipert