Subject: Re: 2.0 upgrade from within NetBSD
To: John Klos <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/2004 22:22:35
At 12:57 Uhr -0500 10.12.2004, John Klos wrote:
>> Is it possible to upgrade by simply unpacking the tarballs rather than
>> rebooting into MacOS to run sysinst?
>Yes, it is. First, untargzip the 2.0 kernel, reboot, make a copy of
>everything in /etc, then untargzip the rest, cd /dev ; ./MAKEDEV all, then
>reboot. Copy rc.conf and other files (but not everything) back into /etc.
>I'm not sure if this can be done remotely, though.

I tend to do it slightly differently:

(1) Install new kernel, reboot. This is probably the most critical step for
a remote update, since the MacBSD Booter does not have a serial console to
select the old kernel from. It probably should.

(2) Boot to single-user (or kill any daemons you don't actually need in
multi-user for remote operation), and untar everything but the kernel and
etc tarballs.

(3) Re-boot, and update /etc with etcupdate(8), either from a NetBSD source
tree, or from the contents of etc.tgz. This is a _lot_ faster and a _lot_
less error-prone than a manual merge of the old /etc content into the
installed (vanilla) one. Especially from remote - mess up the sshd config,
and you're back to sneakernet.

(4) Re-boot, to pick up & check the /etc changes.


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