Subject: Fwd: 23 May build for Mac68k softfloat
To: None <>
From: Joel Rees <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/26/2004 19:11:33
Just tried with the sbc kernel. My memory is that the scsi controller  
is not the one the sbc kernel is supposed to be for, but I thought I'd  
give it a shot. Get the same

     openpty() failed
     cp /etc/disklabel.preinstall /etc/disklabel

error when trying to write the disklabel, but this time it drops out to  
the shell instead of trying to proceed. Otherwise the same.

Maybe I should try mounting the partitions before I run sysinstall. But  
how does the script access the ram volume if I have the hard disk  
mounted on /?

On 2004.5.26, at 06:20 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

>> The 23 May mac68k softfloat build lives at:
>> softfloat
>> /
> Okay, I gave this one a shot. Tried the install kernel, it got along  
> to the point where it was supposed to partition the disks, and it saw  
> the map left over from when I partitioned with the Mac HD Setup  
> utility. It let me set the mount points, then complained that it  
> couldn't open something (which I forgot to write down, silly me). So,  
> when it checked to see if it could install, it said the file system  
> did not look like a netbsd file system.
> So, I specifically changed each volume to what it was, in an attempt  
> to get disklabel to write the label, but it still failed to open  
> whatever it was.
> So, I dropped out to the shell, newfs-ed each partition by hand  
> (defaults, no errors reported), then ran sysinst again. This time it  
> allowed me to proceed to attempt to load from ftp. But about half way  
> through the first tarball, kern-GENERIC.tgz, it choked, complaining  
> there is no space left on the device. (70 M on root should be enough,  
> right?)
> This is the same machine that reported flaky disk usage numbers on  
> netbsd 1.6, allowed me to load the base set into a single root  
> partition from the Macside tools, but kept hanging when I tried to  
> move things where they belong.
> I guess maybe what I need to do is put together some test machine code  
> that would tell me if this LC040 is one of that batch that was really  
> botched. If that's not the case, I'm thinking I should suspect that my  
> SCSI circuitry is broken. The machine's stability under Mac OS was  
> never great and has been declining noticeably in the last year or so.
> Which means I doubt the above information will be anything but noise,  
> but I thought I'd post my results anyway.