Subject: Re: Booting 1.6.2 on Q700
To: None <,>
From: Paul Sander <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/25/2004 01:29:54
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>With 1.6.x you probably should use sysinst rather than the MacOS installer.
The sysinst program doesn't seem to be available for the Mac-68k port.
At least, I can't find it on the FTP site.
>That said, what happens if you just wait a bit? I've had cases where I
>had not made the right devices and it just took a while (5 mins?) to make the
>proper devices and continue.
I've left it for several hours, and it never broke out.
>The other thing to try is booting the install kernel. Does it boot?
>Can it see the disk?
The mini shell in the installer can ls everything in the root directory
on the root partition. There have been times when I would do that and
I would get a message like
fsstab: No such file or directory
that would be displayed right after the directory entry for /var but
since my last attempt to install this has disappeared.
>On Sun, May 23, 2004 at 09:59:33PM -0500, Tim McNamara wrote:
>> On May 23, 2004, at 8:45 PM, Paul Sander wrote:
>> >Here's a status update on this install:
>> >
>> >I reinstalled mkfs, installer, and booter. I wiped the root partition.
>> >I installed all of the binary sets with the following difference: In
>> >my
>> >prior attempts, I installed the kernel-generic set. This time I
>> >installed
>> >the kernel-genericsbc set. Then I booted NetBSD. Still no joy. It
>> >hangs
>> >at the same place.
>> That place being:
>> >root file system type: ffs
>> On my Q700, booting tended to create a filesystem within swap for
>> /dev/console or something like that (dmesg isn't particularly revealing
>> about this and I can't recall the boot message; ISTR that it should be
>> in the archives, though). Anyway, at that point boot appears to hang
>> but does proceed after a few minutes.
>> >I have since successfully installed NetBSD on a second Q700. The only
>> >differences between the machines that I can find are:
>> >- Broken machine has 20MB RAM, working machine seems to claim that it
>> >has
>> > 68MB RAM.
>> >- Broken machine has 2GB disk, working machine has 1GB disk with a loud
>> > bearing.
>> >
>> >Is 20MB of RAM sufficient to boot NetBSD? It had been working in the
>> >past. This same machine ran NetBSD 1.5.1.
>> My Q700 ran NetBSD 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 OK with 20 MB RAM.
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