Subject: Re: Booting 1.6.2 on Q700
To: Tim McNamara <>
From: Bruce O'Neel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/24/2004 09:13:04

With 1.6.x you probably should use sysinst rather than the MacOS installer.

That said, what happens if you just wait a bit?  I've had cases where I 
had not made the right devices and it just took a while (5 mins?) to make the 
proper devices and continue.

The other thing to try is booting the install kernel.  Does it boot?  
Can it see the disk?



On Sun, May 23, 2004 at 09:59:33PM -0500, Tim McNamara wrote:
> On May 23, 2004, at 8:45 PM, Paul Sander wrote:
> >Here's a status update on this install:
> >
> >I reinstalled mkfs, installer, and booter.  I wiped the root partition.
> >I installed all of the binary sets with the following difference:  In 
> >my
> >prior attempts, I installed the kernel-generic set.  This time I 
> >installed
> >the kernel-genericsbc set.  Then I booted NetBSD.  Still no joy.  It 
> >hangs
> >at the same place.
> That place being:
> >root file system type: ffs
> On my Q700, booting tended to create a filesystem within swap for 
> /dev/console or something like that (dmesg isn't particularly revealing 
> about this and I can't recall the boot message; ISTR that it should be 
> in the archives, though).  Anyway, at that point boot appears to hang 
> but does proceed after a few minutes.
> >I have since successfully installed NetBSD on a second Q700.  The only
> >differences between the machines that I can find are:
> >- Broken machine has 20MB RAM, working machine seems to claim that it 
> >has
> >  68MB RAM.
> >- Broken machine has 2GB disk, working machine has 1GB disk with a loud
> >  bearing.
> >
> >Is 20MB of RAM sufficient to boot NetBSD?  It had been working in the
> >past.  This same machine ran NetBSD 1.5.1.
> My Q700 ran NetBSD 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 OK with 20 MB RAM.

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