Subject: Re: 1.6.2 upgrade
To: Tim & Alethea Larson <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/07/2004 23:54:24
At 9:41 AM -0600 04.3.6, Tim & Alethea Larson wrote:
> I'm also hoping to have the 1.6.2 upgrade done
>I can relate how well that went, and that the Q840 is running so I have
>a better X demonstration.
Yes, I hope you all have a happy time. :)
I find 'dt' in your posts at that time. I didn't know 'dt' before.
dt-1.1.7nb3: Virtual consoles for NetBSD/mac68k (and macppc?)
I've just finished to install it on Duo 230 (Bruce O'Neel's 1.6.2).
'dt' seems so useful for those '030s, thanks.
I also installed it some other machines such as Quadra 800, but
the system returns "no usable grf-devices found".
I'm sure there are grf0 - grf3 in /dev. What does this mean?
Kazu Inanaga