Subject: Re: nubus 8-24GC memory
To: None <>
From: Eric Berna <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/13/2004 10:35:29
I had one of these way back when they were new, and I remember that the 
extra RAM was just used by the GC software.  Under Mac OS, with the 
accelerator software installed, the video card is noticeably faster 
with extra RAM.  Yet, under NetBSD the extra RAM is pointless, unless 
of course you are writing some code to run on that AMD chip.

Sorry for the late post.

Eric Berna

On Jan 19, 2004, at 9:27 AM, Cameron Kaiser wrote:

>>> Anyone know where I can get memory to populate this thing?
>> Macintosh Display Card 8*24GC
>> The photo is small and dark, it seems that VRAM is soldered on the 
>> card,
>> isn't it? Are you talking about other chip or any different card?
> There is already 2MB of VRAM on the card, but you can upgrade to a 
> total of
> 10MB using 64-pin SIMMs of the same specification as the IIfx (which 
> makes
> sense since the 8*24*GC was the IIfx's flagship video card). However, 
> this
> upgrade is expensive and not many applications can use the "huge" 10MB 
> of
> GWorld cache this makes possible in MacOS, let alone anything else.
> This being said, the 8*24*GC is my all-time favourite card, as I never 
> have
> trouble finding them, they have nice output, and they are very speedy 
> for
> the money. Since I use 7.1 on all my non-NetBSD 68ks, the QuickDraw
> acceleration control panel works without a problem, and the speed 
> increase
> is noticible (particularly on systems like the IIsi).
> -- 
> ---------------------------------- personal: 
> --
>  Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA * 
> -- FORTUNE: You can overcome any obstacle. Try a steeplechase. 
> ----------------