Subject: Re: PowerBook Duo 230 (68030 -fpu)
To: Bruce ONeel <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/13/2004 21:10:58

Thanks a lot for your reply, and also I appreciate your nice work:
"Downloads/Prebuilt NetBSD 1.6.1 for LC040 Macs"

It's running nicely on my PowerBook 520.

At 4:28 PM +0100 04.2.12, Bruce ONeel wrote:
>I have no idea.  I don't *think* I've done anything 040 specific
>but I don't have anyway to test since my only 030 system
>is a se/30 with a fpu (and too small a disks and no ethernet yet).
>If someone tests it I'm happy to update the page.  I didn't
>specificly add netdock support.  I can if people would like.

Sounds Good !  I have several kind of FPU-less '030 Macs. Yes, I'm also
happy if I could be a tester with others together.

May I ask you my requests?
I prefer "'030 specific kernel". Because, generally speaking, a '030 Mac
has less memory. For example, Macintosh Classic II has 10MB RAM.
Yes 10MB is maximum, I don't need a "fat" OS for my Classic II.
Making a small kernel is a good idea for many FPU-less '030 Macs,
don't you think so?

We have SMALLRAM in /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/conf.

>#	$NetBSD: SMALLRAM,v 1.8 2003/09/22 14:11:21 cl Exp $
># This is an example of how to configure a small, efficient kernel for a
># system with limited RAM. Even so it's capable of doing quite a bit. The
># hypothetical system used for this example is a Macintosh IIx or
># Macintosh IIcx with 8 MB of RAM and an 80 MB disk. One or more DP5380-
># based NuBus Ethernet cards and one or more NuBus video cards are
># configured, and basic PPP support is available. This configuration is
># suitable for experimenting with NetBSD as a router with one or more
># Ethernet cards, and up to two PPP connections (one on each serial port).

It's very useful to make own '030 specific kernel. I also appreciate
to all for this nice work.

How about to include this idea to the "FPU-less '030 specific kernel" ?
I also hope that Cabletron SCSI-Ethernet adapter and NetDock are fully
supported with this specific kernel.
And, it might be very nice to open the config file and a guide how to make.

By the way, can we make *thin* userland for a small-RAM Mac?
My Classic II ('030/16MHz, 10MB RAM, with FPU) takes more than
5 minutes for booting up. It's too much.   For example, I don't need
a "fat" cryptograph ...  Is it a crazy idea to make *thin* userland?

Kazu Inanaga