Subject: Re: Asante MCiLC-10T Mac PDS Support?
To: Joey C <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/10/2004 17:23:03

At 4:23 PM -0500 04.2.9, Joey C wrote:
>I was trying to set up my new Asante MCiLC-10T PDS Ethernet card on my
>Performa 450 (LCIII) in NetBSD, but it doesn't seem to be working.

I've seen this error on my Asante MCiNB-10T.
Asante MCiNB-10T(MacCon NuBus-A) and MC3NB fail to negotiate with my
10/100Mbps Switching HUB. (I don't have Asante MCiLC-10T)

>Is this a support problem for the MCiLC Ethernet card?

I think Asante MC* series is supported.

>How can this issue be resolved?

I put a small 10Mbps HUB between Asante MC* and Switching HUB.
Mac/Asante MC*NB -- 10Mbps HUB -- 10/100Mbps Switching HUB -- Router
I don't know the reason, but this setting works fine.

Of course I think it depneds on the HUB. Does anyone make the negotiation
successfully Asante MC* series with 10/100Mbps Switching HUB directly?

Good luck!
Kazu Inanaga