Subject: Re: Persistent problems with pkgsrc
To: David Burgess <>
From: Tim McNamara <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/08/2004 21:13:20
On Feb 8, 2004, at 8:54 PM, David Burgess wrote:
> I've got this problem on one of my 50+ 1.6.1 servers. That's right -
> just
> 1 out of ~50 servers; it is the one that I installed as a 1.6.1 server,
> but didn't upgrade from 1.6.0. I hope that helps.
I'm not even sure what you mean. But it gives me some hope that it's
resolvable somehow.
So far untar-ing pkgsrc.tar.gz, various permutations of cvs and also
sup have failed to give me a working pkgsrc. It seems like there is a
typo calling "pkg_info --K" instead of "pkg_info --k" somewhere, but I
can't find it. There's also problems in the ".../" file tat seem
to be persistent, per the error message. It's beyond my skills to fix,
Thanks for your reply.