Subject: Re: Getting a MacOS 7.x boot disk
To: '' <>
From: Schwerzmann, Stephan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/29/2004 11:40:30
>Last I looked, System 7.1 was not avaliable for free, nor was 7.6.1. Apple
>may or may not care, but making these images available is probably illegal.


  (I pointed the original asker to OS 6.x because it's just 2 floppies
and should suffice for checkein if ist SE/30 is healty - not intended for
a base for NetBSD, as per FAQ)

  then I added a pointer to OS 7.5.3 (Apple's archive)

  now everybody talks about OS 7.1 (which is not available from Apple)

  my question now:
	what's wrong with OS 7.5.3 ?

  (I see the slight inconvenience of it being 19 floppies, but 
availability is not an issue...)
