Subject: Re: Daystar Accelerators (Re: fpu trap with current from 2 Jan)
To: Joshua Coombs <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/21/2004 22:32:11

Snowing all day long here in South-Western Japan. it's calm and peaceful
evening.  Snow makes everything pure even my contaminated head.

I'm thinking, if I install Apache, which shall I choose for it my fastest 68k
or 25 times faster i386? To be a martyr to Mac-dom or 'think client first',
that is the problem.   ...maybe I'll choose i386 and play giggling my cute
with doing "dry2, 100000" :)

If you prefer to be a martyr, one of the easy way is;

1) Pull out FDD and put it into your junk box. (You don't need it, do you?)
2) Move your nice 10,000 rpm HDD to a external HDD box.

Now you have enough room for your cards, and you also seve Power.

3) Login to ebay, bid DayStar 030 50MHz for less than $5.00.

That's all. I think this is the best, or better than robbing a bank. Don't you
think so?

I'm not sure if DayStar Turbo 040 works on your adapter. it seems very
case sensitive.

I finished to take SE/40 photos. I'll put them 'soon' :)

Kazu Inanaga