Subject: Re: Radius Rocket...again
To: David Rogers <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/21/2004 00:10:52
At 1:07 AM -0600 03.12.6, David Rogers wrote:
>Hi all. I recently acquired a few Radius Rockets and my hope and dream
>is to create some sort of support for them in NetBSD. The ultimate
>goal, if it's even possible, is to do something like MP in a 68k mac.
I like the moment Radius Rocket is launching up with a roaring sound.
If NetBSD run on Rocket, it might be very interesting :)
I have a Stage II Rocket, and when I tried it to boot NetBSD-1.6 up, booter
couldn't find the file 'netbsd'.
>So far my system recognizes them and prints out info on them but
>crashes during boot. Coincidentally, at the moment it also crashes
>without them so I have some work to do on that. If anyone has some
>info that would help me out, that would be greatly appreciated.
You get much better. What's kind Rocket do you launch? How about your
kernel, any special? Too many questions, so little time :)
Kazu Inanaga