Subject: Re: Daystar Accelerators (Re: fpu trap with current from 2 Jan)
To: David Rogers <>
From: Yasufumi_Suzuki <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/2004 13:10:59
Hello, everyone

At 4:19 PM -0600 04.1.19, David Rogers wrote:
>100,000 runs through dry2
>Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone:   25.4
>Dhrystones per Second:                      39370.1

I got all same result under 1.6.1 by my IIci + Daystar Turbo 040.

But I couldn't boot internal video put on accelerator, must use NuBUS 
video-card. Why? isn't anyone successful by internal video? And now, my few 
video-cards were conflict NIC-cards in boot process, it's tragedy.

>Not too shabby.

I think so too

TAMA Yasufumi_Suzuki