Subject: Re: Daystar Accelerators (Re: fpu trap with current from 2 Jan)
To: Tim & Alethea Larson <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/18/2004 21:43:16
At 5:22 PM -0600 04.1.17, Tim & Alethea Larson wrote:
>Because they're cute? :) I think my SE/30 "woodstock" is cute.
> Actually I don't know why I do either...maybe we're all masochists?
... maybe, and we like NetBSD, we like this list, too.
If my i386 machine was broken I'd be happy because it's a good chance
to get a new, faster one. But if I lost my 68k Macintoshes, I must be
very sad such as I lost myself. I think ... my adherence to 68k Macs is
something related to my pride and identity.
To: Tim
I've never forgot my last mail. Apologies for a 8-month delay. I'll put
some SE/40 photos (including 44MHz clockup) on my webpage soon.
To: Kazu
Is your pride and identity such small and cheap?
masochist: Kazu Inanaga