Subject: Daystar Accelerators (Re: fpu trap with current from 2 Jan)
To: David Rogers <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/17/2004 01:07:22
At 6:08 PM -0600 04.1.15, David Rogers wrote:
>I actually don't have QuadControl installed, never have.
Thanks for your quick reply, and sorry for bothering you. I know now
the problems we have are different from each other. I quit to checkout
-D 20031228-UTC src, anyway.
I'm sure if you set QuadControl in your IIci, NetBSD-1.6.1 works more
lively on it. Good luck to you on eBay.
I didn't know that before Cameron Kaiser (a member of this list) told me
kindly about the daystar patch for PowerCache '030. I believed that
Control Panels in MacOS are not necessary for NetBSD machines.
Konnichiwa, Cameron-san :)
At 5:25 PM -0500 03.12.3, Joshua Coombs wrote:
>I'm pushing an SE/30 with 128MB ram, a 36GB 10k RPM HD, and as soon
>as I can get my grubby hands on a right angle adapter, internal
>ethernet and a 68030@50mhz Daystar PowerCache. It's happily running
>NetBSD as we speak.
After reading this post, I remember I have some benchmarks on IIci
with Daystar PowerCache 50MHz at that time (March 2003).
Card type=P33, CDEV=Power Central v.2.2/PowerCache
Dhrystone Benchmark, Version 2.1 (Language: C)
Program compiled without 'register' attribute
Number of runs through the benchmark: 100000
NetBSD-1.6 + normal IIci ('030/24.95 MHz)
Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 149.1
Dhrystones per Second: 6706.9
NetBSD-1.6 + DAYSTAR PowerCache (CDEV OFF)
Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 169.3
Dhrystones per Second: 5906.7
**Dhrystone-2 resolt is worse than normal IIci.
NetBSD-1.6 + DAYSTAR PowerCache (CDEV ON)
**Freeze in the boot sequence
1.5.2 DAYSTAR Patched kernel
+ DAYSTAR PowerCache (CDEV ON)
Microseconds for one run through Dhrystone: 70.2
Dhrystones per Second: 14245.0
I tested it on 1.6.1(GENERICSBC) today.
NetBSD-1.6.1 + DAYSTAR PowerCache (CDEV ON)
Boot sequence hang up at:
boot device: sd0
root on sd0a dumps on sd0b
This is same as 1.6. Unfortunately, that 'daystar patch' didn't work
on 1.6. Does anyone know a patch or something for 1.6x to avoid this?
To: Joshua Coombs
I'm sorry for bothering you. These tests are all on IIci, not on SE/30.
Is your SE/30 running with DAYSTAR PowerCache now?
Thanks in advance,
Kazu Inanaga