Subject: Re: Xmac68k_color and grf ioctl's
To: David P. Reese Jr. <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/03/2004 22:38:10
On Sat, 3 Jan 2004, David P. Reese Jr. wrote:
> Where did the ioctl's in grfioctl_extra.h come from? I can't find anything
> like GRFIOCSETMODE1 in the kernel source. It seems like Xmac68k_color
> was written with the intent of expanding the grf interface.
At one time, there were patches floating around, but they were never
pulled in for some reason or another. The new cool thing is wscons(4)
and wsdisplay(9)..., but I can't see a trivial API to get the address
of the frame buffer. [rasops(9)?]
Probably best to stick to what you see in <mac68k/grfioctl.h> -- in
other words, GRFIOCGMODE, as undocumented as it is.