Subject: Booting without MacOS: We have WOOHOO!
To: NetBSD mac68k port list <>
From: Nyef <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/23/2003 22:29:44
Hello all. is a floppy boot image 
of the 1.6.1 install kernel for an SE/30 with 8 or more megs of RAM. is the source archive.

This only works on SE/30 systems with 8 or more megs of RAM as of now, but
it's a start.

If we want this working with other RAM sizes, we need to change the RAM 
size paramter not to be hardcoded (and may need to write a RAM size 
detector for 32-bit dirty systems).

If we want this working on any other macs at all, we need to figure out
how to get the MACHINEID values. The Gestalt manager is obviously not
loaded at this point, so I'm at a loss here.

If we want this working on other II-series macs, we need to change the
video information to not be hardcoded (it's hardcoded for an SE/30 right

No work has been done towards making a system boot from a hard drive.

This code fails spectacularly on my Performa 400, so there's probably a
bit of low-level hacking to be done to get Universal-ROM macs working.


All programming can be viewed as an exercise.
Alastair Bridgewater