Subject: Re: ccd with port-mac68k questions
To: Tom Jernigan <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/16/2003 21:11:00
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003, Tom Jernigan wrote:

> I've gotten to a point where I want to get enough disk space together
> to put src on my system. I'm looking at using ccd to combine a couple
> of 540meg external drives into a /usr2 directory. It looks like ccd
> might be a way to go (of course just getting a bigger scsi drive is
> surely much simpler). I've read the section on ccd in the NetBSD
> Guide about setting up ccd where you have to edit the disklabel. Over
> the years I've noticed a lot of technical messages about disklabels
> in port-mac68k.
> My questions are can ccd be set up with a mac disklabel (HD SC Setup
> 7.3.5 (patched)) or do I have to erase the disklabel entirely and
> follow the receipe in the Guide? If I do erase the mac label, can
> this disk be reformated by HD SC Setup later or is it toast as a mac
> drive forever?

There's no way that I know of the make a CCD partition on a mac68k
(nor an LFS, for that matter), so forget about editing the disklabel.
With RAID, I think, you can force it use another kind of partition,
while ccdconfig(8) doesn't indicate that it really cares about the
partition type at all. Try it.
