Subject: RE: shutdown panic
To: None <>
From: Larson, Timothy E. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/17/2003 14:35:36
Joshua said, "I can confirm, clean 1.6.1 install on an SE/30, exact same thing"

It's been suggested I try the SBC kernel.  
I haven't had a chance to do that yet.  
Since I can poweroff at this point without having to fdisk the next time I boot, I've been working on other things.  
It could indeed be the SCSI driver, since I put a new HD in just before I noticed this.


Tim Larson     <><   <><   <><   <><   <><     OL 4-131-2
Info. Services - Internal Medicine Clinical Systems, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God. - John F. Kennedy
I apologize for the irregular wrapping and quoting.  I use MS Outlook.