Subject: Re: SE/30 Upgrading
To: None <>
From: RAParker <RAParker@Quadzilla.NET>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/16/2003 21:36:54
The SE and the SE/30 have different motherboards and PDS upgrade slots.
They are not compatible. Cards designed for the SE will not work in (read:
could damage) the SE/30 and vise-versa. The SE/30 PDS is more like a IIsi
PDS, some cards (ethernet mostly) which were designed for one may work with
the other. 

   |\ | @ Quadzilla.NET

On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 2:23 PM, Joshua Coombs <> wrote:
>  have just recieved an SE/30 I bought off ebay for nefarious purposes.  I

> also have in my posession, a mac SE, with a Daystar Powercache 68030-50,
> fpu installed.  Can I yank that off the SE adapter, and install it direct

> into the pds slot on my SE/30, and will my onboard FPU still function or 
> will the powercache try to take over for it and leave me fpu less?
> Joshua Coombs