Subject: sysinst installing to two drives
To: '' <>
From: Larson, Timothy E. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/29/2003 10:08:48

Maybe I am missing something (as usual) but here goes.
Does sysinst have a way to specify an installation to multiple drives on my system?  
It detected that I had two drives, but asked me which one of them to install on.  
I had them both pre-partitioned and ready to go, and assumed I'd get a list of _all_ visible partitions when it came time to assign mount points.
If I have to do a Traditional install to do this, that's fine.


Tim Larson     <><   <><   <><   <><   <><     OL 4-131-2
Info. Services - Internal Medicine Clinical Systems, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Democracy never lasts long, it soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.  There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide. - Samuel Adams
I apologize for the irregular wrapping and quoting.  I use MS Outlook.