Subject: Re: dt error
To: Larson, Timothy E. <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/28/2003 10:20:02
On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Larson, Timothy E. wrote:

> I grabbed dt 1.1.7 with pkg_add, which I thought was supposed to
> take care of dependency issues - one of the biggest plusses of using

All package systems do that, in some cases better. ;-)

> /usr/libexec/ dt: No such file or directory

You're expected to download the right version for your operating
system and architecture. Since the only packages for dt are for
NetBSD 1.5, I bet you're trying to use a NetBSD/1.5/m68k/a.out
package on NetBSD/1.6*/m68k/ELF.

There was a mistake in the Makefile (which I just fixed) which would
have prevented the package from even attempting to build on 1.6/m68k.
(Not that that would've helped. The code is very non-portable to
other platforms, such as the amiga that built the other 1.6/m68k and
1.6.1/m68k packages.)

Are you running 1.6 or 1.6.1? I'm only running current on my two macs,
but perhaps some other developer running 1.6 would kindly update his
pkgsrc and upload a package built against 1.6, that would run on both?
