Subject: pb150 hdd
To: None <>
From: Leander Seige <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/06/2003 15:20:04
I'm trying to run netbsd on my powerbook 150.
Unfortunately I don't know how to partition the build-in
IDE drive. I tried Apples HD SC setup (patched es described
using ResEdit) as well as this boot floppy:
but it doesn't recognize the drive.
The powerbook has only 4MB RAM.
I found this SMALLRAM kernel and it boots fine -
at least a prompt "root device" appears where I can
'halt', 'reboot' and 'ddb'. The debugger seems to work ok.
But this kernel does not find the IDE drive too. So I'll
try to build my own SMALLRAM kernel with IDE
support on a Linux system ... (never used netbsd before).
This works fine so far but still includes header files from
linux - just in case someone has a link to a cross compilation
howto handy :)