Subject: Re: m68k soft float (was illegal instruction)
To: None <>
From: Takeshi Shibagaki <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/05/2003 17:57:38
>>>>> On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 03:41:04 -0500 (EST), John Klos <> said:
John> Well, Bruce's patches are for m68k libc, so the platform wouldn't matter.
John> I want to get the patches into -current, get everything working well and
John> tested, then commit them to -current.
>> Therefore!? All m68k ports are affected by m68k libc patches. Are you
>> full of confidence getting agreement in all m68k ports, aren't you?
John> Well, yes; I don't think that's the issue. Because the changes need
John> compile-time options to work, it won't affect people who don't use it.
John> However, even if it causes problems, one must remember that -current is
John> for the introduction of new code for the purpose of testing.
If you don't use -msoft-float in default compile-time options, I'm
also going to agree simply. but if you use it by default, I want to
speak "wait a minite".
And if don't use -msoft-float by default, What do you think about
release engineering?
Takeshi Shibagaki