Subject: Re: file system reqmts for 1.6 src tree
To: Mark E. Perkins <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/2003 12:46:44
> On a related note, what are the limits on file system size for
> NetBSD/mac68k? There used to be some problems with partitions over 1GB.
> But re-reading the FAQ, it appears they were related to the MacOS Mkfs
> and Installer utilities. Is it safe to create larger partitions under
> sysinst? More to the point: is it safe use >1GB partitions under
> NetBSD/mac68k? 8^)
I have many Macs with drives larger than 4 gigs; one has a 60 gig drive
with a 58 gig partition.
The only issue I can imagine is if one has a, say, 100 gig partition but
only, say, 16 megs of memory. It might not be possible to do an fsck on
it, unless fsck has a low-memory mode or something. If it doesn't, it's
not a bad idea.
John Klos
Sixgirls Computing Labs