Subject: file system reqmts for 1.6 src tree
To: None <>
From: Mark E. Perkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/29/2002 17:45:26
I'm putting together a 1.6 system for testing and fiddling with
NetBSD/mac68k (currently, I have 1.5.4_ALPHA on other machines) and
want to get the file system sizes about right (made them too small the
first time).

I see that the size of the source tree for 1.6 is about 520MB compared
to about 330MB for 1.5.4 (both figures are for clean source trees).
After building 1.5.4, my /usr/src file system increased by about 200MB
(to 530MB). Can I assume that building a 1.6 system will have
comparable requirements, perhaps on a percentage basis? In particular,
will a 900MB partition leave enough headroom or should I go for a full
GB? I'm using a 2GB drive with 20MB off the top for MacOS. I'd also
like to have enough space on the drive for a pkgsrc partition to build
a couple of essential (for me) tools to make fiddling easier (e.g.,
bash, emacs, sudo, a few others), so don't want to be too extravagant
with /usr/src.
