Subject: RE: Basic Unix (NETBSD) command list...
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Newquist <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/07/2002 00:01:08
I'm pretty much a perpetual newby myself, so maybe I can field these...

How to delete a user:


Type "man userdel" for further syntax info.

How to get a dir listing:


Type "man ls" for further info...=20

You notice a pattern here.  "man" for manuals.

"df" will also give you the broad info of how full which disk partitions =

A couple other useful commands to know about:

"cd", "pwd", "rm", "mv", "ln", "chmod", "more", "ps", "sh"

Things like "apropos string" get you listings of all the man pages that =
might have something to do with "string". =20

Things like "ls /bin" or "ls /usr/sbin" give you a peek at the =
executable programs already installed, which you can then read about in =
the man pages. =20

If you prefer to drink from fire hydrants, just browse =

"info" introduces you to gnu's documentation system, which is used for =
documenting some of the more complicated packages, when man's flat-text =
manuals are inadequate.

For a more straightforward intro to your NetBSD system, = is the official =

Now you know everything I know, Michael.

Any additional thoughts from those who are more experienced?
