Subject: Mac won't boot
To: None <>
From: Peter Denner <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/25/2002 21:34:49

I have a Mac IIvx (20MB RAM) and tried to install NetBSD Vers. 1.6 on it. I
had installed 1.5 before, but I made a clean instll.

So I formatted my hard disk (1GB, IBM ID 4) with mkfs (32 MB Swap, Rest
After that I installed the base files (base.tgz, comp.tgz, etc.tgz,
kern.tgz, man.tgz, misc.tgz and text.tgz, from the ftp-site) with NetBSD /
Mac 68 K Installer (1.1h)

After that I build the devices.

At booting time I alwas get the same error:

Root file system: ffs
panic: cnopen: cn_tab->cn_device == NODEV

Stopped in init at          _cpu_Debugger+0x6   unlk    a6

What is wrong?

By the way, all Booter Versions greater 2 (.0.a10, .0.a7) are producing the
same error (either under 1.5 and 1.53). Under Booter version 1.11.3 1.5 and
1.5.3 the kernels are working (except 1.6) well. I looks, that there is
something wrong with the booter, because NO kernel version boots with the
new booter (with the same error-message)

I would be very pleased, when you can help me.

