Subject: Re: Can I set up a NetBSD-box to work as an X-terminal?
To: Alexander Klein <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/23/2002 08:22:45
On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, Alexander Klein wrote:
> I've been using my good old P-475 for over two years now, but it's sooo
> slow for C++ programming. :(
> However, it's sitting right beside a 6100/66 running MkLinux, and I wonder
> if there is a way to make the 6100 display a login-screen on the 475. I
> tried to RTFM, but I'm afraid X is too complicated - at least for me - to
> understand all the detail in a reasonable amount of time.
> Has anyone else managed to make such a set-up work?
Sure. The simplest way, is to first uncomment the line in
"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/Xaccess", on the host running "xdm", that says
"any host can get a chooser", and restart "xdm". Then start the
Xserver manually on the designated X server, as ``X -indirect
xdm_host_name &''. Then authorize the "xdm" host to connect, via
``xhost +xdm_host_name''. The chooser window should appear shortly.