Subject: problem installing netBSD
To: None <>
From: Paolo Coppo <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/13/2002 16:31:05
I'm installing FreeBSD on a Macintosh LCIII with 12Mb of ram and 500Mb SCSI HD;

I'm using the traditional method (Installing the NetBSD System 
(Traditional Method) )

I've prepared the hd partitions, I've done the installation of base 
files, and everything went fine;

I've switcher off VM and the monitor is set to B&W;

I'm using BSD/Mac68k Launch to boot the system, but the system does 
not come up;
the message I receive is this:

Booting... transparent = 0
Boot error: the kernel is not in a format which the booter can execute.

******* Boot stopped ******

can you help?