Subject: RE: Re: Opinions on OpenBSD??
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Newquist <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/12/2002 13:16:21
I can tell you why I went with NetBSD:

It works with one of the network cards I was able to find for my LC3.

You are right, NetBSD has been on the mac68k since a bit before OpenBSD =
split off.  But I think that was so long ago, it doesnt make much =
difference now.

On the other hand, the Open crowd doesnt seem to be doing much to =
maintain their mac68k port, from what you said.  The mac68k people seem =
to have pretty much stayed with Net.  I see people post to this list =
every few days, whose names are in the source code from way back.

And the documentation just isnt there for Open, like you said.  Net at =
least has a detailed support-status list, even if it isnt kept up to =

I do wish we had some explanation of the drive-compatibility status.  I =
am finding that a lot of scsi drives that physically fit, just dont work =
[for example, "scsi bus busy" on barracuda drives].  Even branded Apple =
drives, problem-free in MacOS, I am getting bad sectors [I =
think--"unrecoverable CBD error" that wont let fsck run] in NetBSD.  And =
the sysinst kernels are segfaulting on me when they get to running =
"pax".  It didnt do that when I first installed 1.6 last month.  Maybe =
drive issue, maybe not?

The result is, I may not be able to stay on this list much longer.  :-(  =
Been fun though...

But congrats on getting Open going on an se/30.  Do you have networking =
with that?


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Opinions on OpenBSD??

I guess NetBSD-centric answers will have to do since I haven't seen any =
activity from the OpenBSD mailing list. :) I did finally get OpenBSD =
installed after getting past the pesky SCSI read/write error #5 thing. I =
suppose I'll mess around with it and if I feel like I need to try =
something else NetBSD will be next (I already had the OpenBSD packages =


You Wrote:

On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 02:28:18AM -0600, wrote:
> I'm attempting to get OpenBSD going on this SE/30, but so far I
> have found a lot more information from the NetBSD pages (I suppose
> since it has been around on Macs for a while longer). I would
> imagine they are pretty similar, but are there any distinct
> advantages/disadvantages to either distribution? I'm not doing
> anything serious with this machine, just curious what you guys think..

Well, you're asking on a NetBSD list, so you should expect that in
general you'll get NetBSD-centric answers...
